Thursday, April 22, 2004

All´s quiet on the western front

Yep, months of not doing anything here means a rapid update.

Got a dog.

Mongrel, really. Absolutely no idea what he is. Some kind of hunting dog mixed with a beagle and perhaps some Staffy? Bizarre short legs, normal head, sausage body. 2 years old and missing some teeth we found him in the lost dogs home here, where they´d named in Don Camillo. As that´s one of the more difficult names to yell at a creature when its attacking something it shouldn´t, we spent a bit of time trying to come up with a new one. Luckily, we happened to watch The Godfather (and I know at least one of you out there will at last be very happy that I´ve managed to see at least one important film). Don Camillo became Don Corleone became Leon and so we have a Professional in the family. He´s a real schmoozer and likes to be curled up in our laps of an evening. But already extremely well trained and doesn´t bark, which makes our cat loving neighbour less hostile.

I´ve decided to leap in over my head and attempt an embroidery piece for the Tournai International Textile Art Triennial. This should be extremely interesting. As it´s a huge piece (1.5m x 1m) I´ve built a frame, got the backing cloth on and gathered some of the threads and materials. I have no idea if it´ll turn out anyway like I picture it, but hey, one can only try, right?

Still going on some cross stitch designs. The Art Nouveau alphabet is taking a lot longer than I´d hoped, and I haven´t even started test stitching it yet! It will probably have to go on the backburner until the end of the year, when the competition piece has to be finished. Luckily it´s all just a hobby so there´s no pressure!


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