Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I've been trying to play with this include thing in blogger, so that I can have a textile artist list as a blog which is then inserted into my blog seemlessly and means I don't have to buggarise around with the template everytime I want to add a link there. But can I work it out? No.
Damn this modern technology.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Transferring images

So I came up with the brilliant idea the other night of creating a t-shirt for a friend as a b'day pressie. That resulted from me playing around on typogenerator with her name as an input and coming up with some rather cool and funky pictures.
If you've never played with this before, go and do it NOW.

So my brilliant plan was to take two of the best pics and transfer them onto t-shirts and then embellish. But I found only cheap t-shirts already with logo's so I had to transfer onto fabric which I'll then applique on. Okey dokey. no great problemo there.

But here it comes. While back home at xmas I looked into a few transfer methods (eg. Lazertran) and was firmly pushed away by the crafty salespersony person who said " No this Dylon Image Maker paste is much more reliable and hassle free" so I bought that.
its terrible. really terrible. The transfer looks awful, it is difficult to remove all of the paper and the transfer itself is unclear, tends to rub off when removing the paper and doesn't stay stuck to the fabric.
And I have 24 hours in which to finish this gift before I have to leave for France, so I'm starting to get rather annoyed. If I find the camera and feel up to facing the disaster I may put in some pics.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Official Reactivation

Yes, well. I do have my other blog where I put all my normal stuff. I also have a team blog and am considering another for something else, but I decided to keep this one going. It may be that I´ll only update here once a month - I don´t know. But this will be my focus on embroidery again so I don´t bore normal people in my normal blog. And even if no one reads it, at least it´ll be a track of my hobby for me.

So welcome back, sassystitcher.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Due to popular demand, a photo of Leon. Note the freakishly short legs when compared to the size of his head. Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Changing my blog

Ok, to anyone who may be reading this, I'm changing my blog name as I am no longer concentrating on embroidery. So this will slowly fade into obsolete-dom and I won't update here anymore.

Don´t mention the war!

is the general attitude when approaching the Americans I work with, and with the steam slowy curling out of their ears, approaching them may not be the best idea in the first place. Millions of other blogs around the world are screaming in protest (and foul language) right now, so there´s no real need for me to say anything.
But I´d like to, just quietly, here in the background.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Attempting to curb my Neopet addiction

Ok Nanowrimo is not going as well as it could be. A total of 1300 words, which now puts me 2700 words behind where I should be to get a 2000 word a day average. But I´ve got my story outline, I´ve thrown my hero and heroine together in a notable moment of energy and excitement and left the first chapter with a "Who was that masked man" kind of thing.
I feel that I need to insert several more "throbbing desire"´s, "hungry lips" and "demanding manhood" to get the authentic M&B emotion. But so far I´ve managed "sinking beneath the onslaught of his devastating green gaze" within the first paragraph, so I believe I´m at the right level.

The main spanner in the works of this free flowing literary genius is that horrible addictive Neopets site. I´ve been playing on it for about 2 years now, and I´m happy to say that I´ve left the most severe parts of my addiction behind me. I´ve stoppped all quests, I no longer spend hours clicking on shopowners every ten seconds and I´ve boarded up my shop. The one problem is, of course, the games and I´ve just procrastinated away an hour on that extremely involved and challenging click-on-the-brick-excitement Destruct-o-match. Please tell me how everyone else manages high scores in the hundreds of thousands when I can´t get above 3? There has to be some cheat that I haven´t learnt yet ´cause I refuse to believe that I´m just that crap.

Monday, November 01, 2004


I just found this (and then realised it is also talked about on Blogger) and decided to sign up. Nothing like biting off even more than I can chew and, hey, maybe it´ll encourage me towards getting that famous Mills and Boon that I´ve been talking about for years going.

Now I just need a pen name...suggestions welcome....