Monday, October 18, 2004

Art Quilts

Now I´m not actually a quilting fan. Various family members spend quite a bit of time doing them, and I highly admire quilts, however its never really appealed to me personally. Before this morning. Because this morning I found Marilyn Bedfords home page and her quilts are some of the most gorgeous things I´ve ever seen. Portraits, paintings...she interprets in coloured pieces of fabric what others need paints or cameras for.....I´m truly impressed.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Kitchen Joy

We finally managed to finish kitchen renovations. All though, I don´t supose you can call them RE-novations, more of an actual failure to "novate" since we moved in. I now have a new sideboard which I´m allowed to chop directly on without having to go hunting for a dry chopping board. I wanted to drill a big hole in it so I could push all the waste into it (a la Jamie Oliver) but that´s still under negotiation. And we put a bench in with two bar stools so I even have a little eating area and it´s high enough that the dog can walk under our feet to look vainly for any dropped food, which makes him happy.
So I got to go shopping and buy lots AND I now have cupboards and shelves and drawers and benchspace to put it all on. Once the three pictures are up that the handyman bought for me in NY, the place will finally be complete.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

April in Paris

I finally managed to see a bit of theatre tonight after a VERY long cultural drought in my life. What with marriage, moving, job and dog, I don´t seem to have much free time these days (and the small amount I do have seems to involve food shopping or pouring inebriated colleagues out of taxi´s after wine tasting evenings - thanks to a Danish friend for that one).
So I did make it with a few other coworker´s to April in Paris at the English Theatre here. I´m left a bit hmm, haww after it - it really didn´t do much for me. The first half certainly suffered from somewhat stilted and slow moving dialogue (fault of both playwright and pacing as far as I could see) although the second act managed to pick up a bit of momentum and finished, if not with a bang, at least it was slightly more than a fizzle.
It has put me off visiting that particular theatre again though and seeing as I can keep pace with dialogue in German, there is no particular reason to hunt out English only performances these days.
But it was really nice to set foot in a theatre again and I managed to while away the slower parts of the show by happily staring into the ceiling and evaluating their lighting set up (not bad by the way, they had a few cute effects going on a minimal rig).

Friday, October 01, 2004

The Morning After

One should never go drinking with ones boss. Especially when that boss is an Englishman who´s ability to imbibe alchohol is well and truly greater than yours.
Oh the pain.
A whole day of useful work lost to the daze of hangover. I suppose the only upside is that the boss was responsible for it so he can´t complain at my poor performance!
I think I´ll go and bury my head under the pillow again for the next few hours......